Rhizotonic 1L **

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Canna Rhizotonic is a stimulator for the root zone that will increase the zone of contact with the environment of your plants, achieving an optimal assimilation of nutrients.

Canna Rhizotonic is a specific root for marijuana plants

Canna Rhizotonic is a powerful stimulator for the root zone that will multiply the roots of your plants, achieving a perfect assimilation of nutrients. This product is applied at the beginning of the cultivation, at the beginning of the flowering phase and after each transplant.

The roots of your plants will experience rapid growth that will allow extraordinary vigor in vegetative growth. We use it so that the plants have a strong very healthy root system that allows them to assimilate more nutrients every day than the previous one.

Canna's Rhizotonic has been developed from 100% organic plant-based ingredients that provide your plants with greater resistance to diseases and improves their quality of life.

Prepare your plant for a huge bloom with well developed roots with Canna Rhizotonic

It is usually applied in combination with a fertilizer base that will provide the plants with the necessary nutrients for a good development, although you can also apply it in media with fertilizers such as Canna Terra Professional Plus, or coconut fiber with Bio Tabs, to provide your plants the root system they need.

Consult Canna's cultivation table for excellent results, applying the knowledge accumulated by its scientists to your crops.

You can also use Canna's Rhizotonic as a germination accelerator by soaking your seeds in Rhizotonic diluted in water. The peel will soften and allow the root to sprout easily, as well as giving you an extra dose of nutrients to start off strong.

Canna Rhizotonic dosage and directions:

In irrigation:

In soil and coconut add 4ml per liter of water, alternating a single water irrigation and one with fertilizers.

In coconut or rock wool slabs apply 4ml / L of water in all irrigations.

In hydroponic crops, apply 4ml for each liter of water in the nutrient solution.

Foliar application:

Dissolve 4ml per liter of water and spray the leaves above and below 1 to 6 times a day.

We recommend applying lower doses in sprays on the leaves.

We should not make foliar and root applications simultaneously.

Accelerates germination in cannabis seeds with Canna Rhizotonic:

We will dilute 4ml in a liter of water.

We will have a little of the solution in a small container (calculate that you will fit all the seeds you want to germinate and the liquid you are going to put).

Dip your seeds for an hour or so.

Place your seeds on the substrate you usually use to germinate your seeds.

Do not forget for a long time the seeds in the solution because even if they germinated they would be doomed by an excess of nutrients.

Canna Rhizotonic Composition:

NPK 0.6-0.2-0.6

0.6% Nitrogen.

0.2 Phosphorus.

0.6% Potassium.

Seaweed extract.

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